Saturday, August 14, 2010

Cowering Cowardly In My Corner Of Cowardice

I started a new novel just under two weeks ago. My goal wsa to have the first draft done by the end of September. It is currently halfway through August and I'm at roughly 16,500 words. I'm on track, sort of.

I love my plot. I love my characters. I love the fantasy world it's set in. I'm scared.

I've already skipped a few chapters, leaving a "TO BE CONTINUED" on the page, because I couldn't bring myself to put my main character through such a horrible situation, not at the time anyway. Alas, one chapter later she was facing another horrible situation, being a slave.

I think I like this novel too much. I'm hesitant in continuing on, that voice in my head constantly nagging at me.
"You're writing is terrible."
"You're making a mockery of this novel."
I do not like that voice...

Regardless, I'm determined to do this novel justice! Realistically, I just need to knuckle down and stop procrastinating. Hell, I could reach my August goal of 40k by the end of next week if I work hard.

Side Notes: There are many fireworks exploding outside my window, I can't sleep. School starts in under two weeks.

1 comment:

  1. I get that feeling all the time! I would think of an awesome plot, start writing it and after two or three pages, get all depressed because my writing sucked and didn't do the plot justice.

    It's okay to feel that way. I guess we're all just human. Stephen King said that feeling was inevitable. And Nora Roberts said "you can fix a bad page, but you can't fix a blank one."

    So go for it! It doesn't matter if it's bad for the moment. You can always come back later and change it for the better!

    Good luck!
